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Our Team

Our goal is sustainable mobility. We put all of our energy into developing the perfect cargo bicycle: whether two- or three-wheeled, our bikes are well thought-out, ergonomic and swift companions for your day-to-day.
Our bikes are not mass-produced commodities. Rather, they are hand-made cargo vehicles that break with traditional mobility concepts and blaze new trails. That’s our trademark.
We believe that the key to developing sustainable mobility goes beyond product life cycle and practical use. The substance of our bikes is both quality and harmony among components. Indeed, we aim for the sweet spot between the two fundamental sources of energy -- electric motors and muscular work -- by which cars may be replaced and, eventually, made obsolete.

The current trend of individualized transportation will continue into the future. But that doesn’t mean, for example, that we ought to restrict travel options to reach emission targets. Instead we must seriously consider the different contexts of mobility.
Environmental conservation in the form of sustainable mobility begins with our cargo bikes!
Our cargo bikes offer convenience--they are small, flexible and effective. Furthermore, they significantly reduce noise pollution, while promoting your physical health and protecting the environment. These factors have the potential to increase the quality of life of all.
Our clean transportation alternatives fulfill your demand for the most individualized form of locomotion possible. With the Rapid you can discover every nook and cranny of the downtown city center. When there is no traffic, you can have a laid-back ride to work, the market or home. In the process you will become more flexible than other commuters, and often even faster in the city center than those driving cars.
Simultaneously, you can transport over 300 kg (660 lb.) on the pallet-sized loading area of the Musketier. Our two models are fitted with electronic components that provide you assistance when navigating hilly regions and less rider-friendly cities.

Sustainable manufacturing
We are also consistently ecological when it comes to the production of your cargo bikes.
In 2019, our first production facility was built on an energy-saving floor slab with insulation. The hall is made of so-called board stacks in solid wood construction, it was produced by the company Schaffitzel in Schwäbisch Hall and installed by a local carpentry.
According to the energy certificate, the hall corresponds to an energy efficiency house KfW 55. The ecological planning and a strict focus on solar energy mean that we get over 70% of our heating needs from solar thermal energy. Even in November, when other heating systems would have been turned on already, we can leave our pellet heating switched off, as we can run a very low flow temperature (below 30° Celsius) with the activated floor slab. In this way, even the short hours of sunlight are used effectively. In addition, the large floor slab serves as an additional storage tank.
We have been with Green Planet Energy (formerly Greepeace Energy) from the beginning, generating all our own electricity consumption via photovoltaics. A Smartflower also rotates with the sun, so we can make the most of sunlight early in the morning and late in the evening. For the night, we have a wind turbine for energy production and a battery as intermediate storage. Thus, we feed about 2000 kWh of additional electricity into the grid each year.
Around our production hall we contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. We plant native plants and create various habitats, such as with our natural sandstone walls or through insect-friendly flower mixtures on our green spaces. In addition, we grow food, because we are convinced that our food supply needs to become more local again. This saves long transport routes and avoids packaging. Planted as an eatable garden, these foods are freely available for employees, customers or people passing by.
For all other food we pay attention to biological quality in our purchase. Our office supplies and everyday articles are also purchased with ecological aspects in mind.
And of course: most of the Radkutsche employees come to work by (cargo)bicycle!